2010-2019 2020
Czech Republic

Now showing: Czech Republic - Postage stamps (2020 - 2025) - 69 stamps.

2021 Tradition of Czech Stamp Design - Vaclav Zapadlik, 1943-2018

20. leden WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Zdonek Netopil Perforation: 11½

[Tradition of Czech Stamp Design - Vaclav Zapadlik, 1943-2018, type APD]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1106 APD B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Census

20. leden WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Jan Ungrad & Jan Moucha Perforation: 11½

[Census, type APE]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1107 APE B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Carnival

20. leden WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Jiri Sliva Perforation: 11½

[Carnival, type APF]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1108 APF B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Josef Masopust, 1931-2015

9. únor WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Petr Minka Perforation: 11½

[Josef Masopust, 1931-2015, type APG]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1109 APG 19Kc 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Milotice Chateau

9. únor WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 8 Design: Pavel Sivko Perforation: 11½

[Milotice Chateau, type APH]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1110 APH 23Kc 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2021 The 30th Anniversary of the Visegrad Group - Joint Issue with Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia

15. únor WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 9 Design: Agnieszka Sobczyńska Perforation: 11½

[The 30th Anniversary of the Visegrad Group - Joint Issue with Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, type API]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1111 API E 2.44 - 2.44 - USD  Info
2021 Definitives - Insects - The Orange Tip

15. únor WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 100 Design: Jaromir and Libuse Knoted Perforation: 11½

[Definitives - Insects - The Orange Tip, type APJ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1112 APJ 1Kc 0.27 - 0.27 - USD  Info
2021 Technical Monuments - Negrelli Viaduct

24. březen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Milan Bauer Perforation: 11½

[Technical Monuments - Negrelli Viaduct, type APK]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1113 APK B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Works of Art - Bohous by Bohumil Zemanek, 1942-1996

24. březen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 4 Design: Zbyněk Kočvar Perforation: 11½

[Works of Art - Bohous by Bohumil Zemanek, 1942-1996, type APL]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1114 APL 30Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
2021 The 125th Anniversary of the Prague Dirby AC Spart - SK Slavia

24. březen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Filip Heyduk Perforation: 11½

[The 125th Anniversary of the Prague Dirby AC Spart - SK Slavia, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1115 APM B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1116 APN B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1115‑1116 2.71 - 2.71 - USD 
1115‑1116 2.72 - 2.72 - USD 
2021 The Dancing House

24. březen WM: Žádný Design: Roman Sedlak Perforation: 11½

[The Dancing House, type APO]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1117 APO E 2.44 - 2.44 - USD  Info
2021 EUROPA Stamp - Endangered National Wildlife

21. duben WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 6 Design: Jaromir a Libuse Knotkovi Perforation: 11½

[EUROPA Stamp - Endangered National Wildlife, type APP]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1118 APP E 2.44 - 2.44 - USD  Info
2021 Rare Rock Formations - Dívčí Kameny

21. duben WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Adolf Absolon Perforation: 11½

[Rare Rock Formations - Dívčí Kameny, type APQ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1119 APQ 23Kc 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
2021 Tourism

21. duben WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 7 Design: Mikuláš Kavan Perforation: 11½

[Tourism, type APR]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1120 APR B 1.09 - 1.09 - USD  Info
2021 Gustav Brom, 1921-1995

19. květen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Perforation: 11½

[Gustav Brom, 1921-1995, type APS]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1121 APS 27Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
2021 Ramsar's Agreement about the Protection of Wetlands

19. květen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Adam Kaspar Perforation: 11½

[Ramsar's Agreement about the Protection of Wetlands, type APT]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1122 APT Z 2.99 - 2.99 - USD  Info
2021 Bořek Šípek, 1949-2016

9. červen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 4 Design: Pavel Sivko Perforation: 11½

[Bořek Šípek, 1949-2016, type APU]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1123 APU E 2.44 - 2.44 - USD  Info
2021 Beauties of Our Country - Jezeri State Chateau

9. červen WM: Žádný Design: Adolf Absolon Perforation: 11½

[Beauties of Our Country - Jezeri State Chateau, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1124 APV 26Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
1125 APW 27Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
1124‑1125 3.80 - 3.80 - USD 
1124‑1125 3.80 - 3.80 - USD 
2021 The Kyjov Folk Festival

23. červen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: Anna Khunova Perforation: 11½

[The Kyjov Folk Festival, type APX]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1126 APX B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Tomcat Mikeš

23. červen WM: Žádný Design: Pavel Hrach Engraving: Václav Fajt Perforation: 11½

[Tomcat Mikeš, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1127 APY 55Kc 3.53 - 3.53 - USD  Info
1127 3.53 - 3.53 - USD 
2021 Nature Protection - Milovice Nature Reserve

8. září WM: Žádný Design: Jaromir a Libuše Knotkovi Engraving: Martin Srb Perforation: 11½

[Nature Protection - Milovice Nature Reserve, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1128 APZ 23Kc 1.63 - 1.63 - USD  Info
1129 AQA 26Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
1130 AQB 27Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
1131 AQC 30Kc 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1128‑1131 7.60 - 7.60 - USD 
1128‑1131 7.60 - 7.60 - USD 
2021 The 700th Anniversary of the Death of Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321

8. září WM: Žádný Design: Marina Richterova Perforation: 11½

[The 700th Anniversary of the Death of Dante Alighieri, 1265-1321, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1132 AQD B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1133 AQE E 2.44 - 2.44 - USD  Info
1132‑1133 7.60 - 7.60 - USD 
1132‑1133 3.80 - 3.80 - USD 
2021 EXPO 2021 - Dubai

8. září WM: Žádný Design: Jan Jiskra Perforation: 11½

[EXPO 2021 - Dubai, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1134 AQF Z 2.99 - 2.99 - USD  Info
1134 2.99 - 2.99 - USD 
2021 Young Animals - Puppies - Canis lupus familiaris

8. září WM: Žádný Design: Jitka Mašínová Perforation: 11½

[Young Animals - Puppies - Canis lupus familiaris, type AQG] [Young Animals - Puppies - Canis lupus familiaris, type AQH]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1135 AQG B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1136 AQH B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1135‑1136 2.72 - 2.72 - USD 
2021 Czech Actors and Actresses

6. říjen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 4 Design: Jan Maget Perforation: 11½

[Czech Actors and Actresses, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1137 AQI 27Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
1138 AQJ 33Kc 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1137‑1138 4.07 - 4.07 - USD 
1137‑1138 4.07 - 4.07 - USD 
2021 Transportation - Wikov 7/28

6. říjen WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 40 Design: Jiří Rameš Perforation: 11½

[Transportation - Wikov 7/28, type AQK]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1139 AQK B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 Sports - Czech Tennis

6. říjen WM: Žádný Perforation: 11½

[Sports - Czech Tennis, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1140 AQL B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1141 AQM B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1142 AQN B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1143 AQO B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1144 AQP B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1145 AQQ B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1146 AQR B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1147 AQS B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1148 AQT B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1149 AQU B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1150 AQV B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1151 AQW B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1152 AQX B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1153 AQY B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1154 AQZ B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1155 ARA B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1156 ARB B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1157 ARC B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1158 ARD B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1159 ARE B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1160 ARF B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1161 ARG B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1162 ARH B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1163 ARI B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1164 ARJ B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
1140‑1164 33.92 - 33.92 - USD 
1140‑1164 34.00 - 34.00 - USD 
2021 Works of Art - Theodor Pištěk

20. říjen WM: Žádný Perforation: 11½

[Works of Art - Theodor Pištěk, type ARK] [Works of Art - Theodor Pištěk, type ARL]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1165 ARK 30Kc 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1166 ARL 34Kc 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
1165‑1166 4.34 - 4.34 - USD 
2021 Works of Art - František Ronovský, 1929-2006

20. říjen WM: Žádný Perforation: 11½

[Works of Art - František Ronovský, 1929-2006, type ARM]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1167 ARM 33Kc 2.17 - 2.17 - USD  Info
2021 Christmas

10. listopad WM: Žádný Design: Pavel Sivko Perforation: 11½

[Christmas, type ARN]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1168 ARN B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Karel Stýblo, 1921-1998

10. listopad WM: Žádný Design: Renáta Fučíková Perforation: 11½

[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Karel Stýblo, 1921-1998, type ARO]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1169 ARO 26Kc 1.90 - 1.90 - USD  Info
2021 Muriel, by Kája Saudek, 1935-2015

10. listopad WM: Žádný Design: Otakar Karlas Perforation: 11½

[Muriel, by Kája Saudek, 1935-2015, type ARP]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1170 ARP B 1.36 - 1.36 - USD  Info
2021 The 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Kotěra, 1871-1923

10. listopad WM: Žádný Design: Jan Kavan Perforation: 11½

[The 150th Anniversary of the Birth of Jan Kotěra, 1871-1923, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1171 ARQ 52Kc 3.53 - 3.53 - USD  Info
1171 3.53 - 3.53 - USD 
2021 St. Ludmilla - The 1,100th Anniversary of the Death of Ludmila of Bohemia, 860AD-921AD

10. listopad WM: Žádný Design: Karel Zeman Engraving: Miloš Ondráček Perforation: 11½

[St. Ludmilla - The 1,100th Anniversary of the Death of Ludmila of Bohemia, 860AD-921AD, type ]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1172 ARR 60Kc 4.07 - 4.07 - USD  Info
1172 4.07 - 4.07 - USD 
2021 Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, 1850-1937 - Joint Issue with Israel

30. listopad WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 50 Design: David Ben-Hador Engraving: Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk Perforation: 11½

[Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk, 1850-1937 - Joint Issue with Israel, type ARS]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1173 ARS Z 2.99 - 2.99 - USD  Info
2021 The Infant Jesus of Prague

30. listopad WM: Žádný Sheetsize: 40 Design: Zdeňka Kudrnová Perforation: 11½

[The Infant Jesus of Prague, type ART]
No. Typ D Mint Condition Unused Used Letter/FDC
1174 ART E 2.44 - 2.44 - USD  Info


From year

To year




